Key Performance Indicators Definition

What is KPI in digital marketing?

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are commonly used by digital marketers to measure and monitor the efficacy of a campaign. Your selection of digital marketing performance metrics should depend on your business and marketing objectives. You may select one or two principal KPIs to support your primary objective and a couple of secondary KPIs to support other goals.

What are the KPIs to track in digital marketing?

Here are some of the important KPIs you should track based on the activity:

Email marketing KPIs

1. Clickthrough Rate 

Click-through rate (CTR) is the proportion of an email’s recipients who clicked on one or more of the email’s links. CTR is calculated using the formula: (Total clicks OR unique clicks Number of delivered emails) * 100. 

CTR provides direct insight into the number of individuals on your list who are engaged with your content and interested in learning more about your brand or offer.

2. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link and carried out a desired action, such as filling out a lead generation form or making a purchase. It is calculated using the formula:

Conversion rate = (Number of individuals who completed the desired action / Total number of emails sent) * 100.

If your objective is to generate leads, conversion rates are crucial because they indicate how effective your newsletters are at generating prospects and leads.

3. Overall ROI

This refers to the overall ROI of your email marketing campaigns. In other terms, the ratio of total revenue to total expenditures. It is calculated using the following formula:

ROI = [(money in additional sales minus money invested in the campaign) ÷ money invested in the campaign] * 100. 


1. Conversions

Organic conversions are the most crucial SEO KPIs to track, regardless of whether they represent sales, leads, subscriptions, or any other action that generates revenue for your business.

The simplest method to demonstrate the effectiveness of your SEO efforts is to measure and monitor organic conversions. After all, it is simple to associate organic conversions with SEO efforts.

2. Organic Visibility

Organic visibility refers to the brand’s visibility in organic search results. It is also referred to as search visibility. Tracking organic visibility is extremely important as it directly relates to your SEO efforts, overall business growth, and brand reach.

3. Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings serve as an SEO KPI because they provide detailed information about which keywords are driving traffic and why.

Social media marketing KPIs

1. Reach

This is the number of individuals who have viewed a post since its publication. Reach varies based on when your audience is online and the quality of your content. It provides insight into what your audience considers valuable and engaging.

2. Social share of voice

This metric compares the number of people who mention your brand to the number of people who mention your competitors. Simply, it demonstrates your brand’s relevance within its industry.

3. Average engagement rate

This metric divides the total number of likes, comments, saves, and favorites a post receives by the total number of followers on your social channel. It indicates how interesting, on average, your content was.

Performance marketing KPIs

1. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate measures the percentage of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, out of the total number of visitors. It indicates how effective your marketing efforts are in driving conversions.

2. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. It helps assess the profitability of your marketing campaigns and is calculated by dividing the revenue generated by the advertising cost.

3. Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics include metrics like time spent on site, pages per visit, bounce rate, and social media engagement. These metrics reflect the level of user engagement and can help optimize your campaigns for better user experiences.


1. Impressions

Impressions are comparable to organic search impressions. In reality, they are essentially the same metric with various names.

This indicates the number of times your advertisements were displayed online via Google Adwords (or another PPC platform). You may also encounter the terms “ad views” or “ad clicks” to refer to this metric.

2. Cost-per-Click

CPC (or cost-per-click) is the amount you pay for each ad click.

It is an important metric for determining whether or not your SEM marketing campaign is profitable over time.

3. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS reveals precisely how much revenue a campaign has generated for a business.

It’s the best method to determine whether or not a particular SEM marketing channel is worthwhile and profitable (or whether you should focus your efforts elsewhere).

To calculate ROAS, divide the total revenue generated by your SEM campaign by the amount spent on advertising.

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